The Team
When the game is over you start thinking about what just happened.
It also maybe a sad feeling of a loss or joy after a victory. But altogether it is the time of adoration for the team that brought real feelings for this moment and these achievements.
After I saw the results of that fateful match, I realized that the game was over. For now, but it is over. Everything is for nothing… But then I needed to disconnect from that feeling and think deeper. What did we achieve?
Rank 4 out of 40 in a regional game in Midland, MI. We might qualify for next step – the States – big event in Saginaw in a week and a half. Also, we got to know our robot better and…
Autonomous Award – award that this team has never had and hasn’t even dreamed of! It is overwhelming! And very encouraging. But who is behind that award?
Tanya, of course. Everyone praised her. It is true, she did a really good job pushing robot to the limits. And I’m happy for Tanya and want to say congratulations on this achievement. But honestly, Tanya is just a part of the team who made it possible.

Builders: Jason VanderMolen, Owen McMaster, Tristen Humphrey, and Colton Moses.
Building Mentors: Kevin Dutcher, Noah Dutcher, Raymond Ford, and Scott Stap.
Without a working robot, we wouldn’t be able reach anything. They were working several hours a day after school or work. They were coming to the lab during weekends sacrificing their time to the team. Special thanks to our main coaches – Kevin Dutcher and Scott Stap, who helped the team during building season, and were able to get everythings together, and come up with great ideas and support.

Drive team: Driver – Jason, Second driver – Tanya V, technician – Owen, and human player – Tristen. They also spent their time polishing their skills in the lab and on the field.
Tristen was also responsible for taking care of the batteries. Battery work was flawless and positive. Zero accidents or issues with batteries – thank you, Tristen!
Colton was recording videos of the matches, which helped the drive team to analyze mistakes and prevent possible issues.
Mr. Ford took care of transporting our “treasures”: the robot and the tools. His driving skills are astonishing – easily backing up with trailer is something we all should adore!

Programmers: Tanya, Nicholas Mars and Matthew Brittain. It looks easy when you see the results. Also, it looks easy for you to do the same. But if you try to talk to them about their job, you might be surprised with the number of new words and terminology you’d never heard of! So, please, be patient and respectful to their work and they will pay back with a perfect code

Parents: Special thanks to the parents and supporters. They were behind the scenes, sacrificing their time and money to bring food, water and everything else just to make sure that the team wouldn’t worry about anything else but our robot, meanwhile supporting the team from the bleachers – cheering for the team’s success and fails. During building season, each parent also did something that added to the team effort and only they know what I’m talking about
Big thanks to Coleen Stap for preparing T-shirts, and other team wear, and making bumper numbers.

Drive Coach: Russ Mars.
Special thanks to Russ for his ability to be where he is needed most. Russ brings structure to the team, supporting those who feel down, and putting down to earth those not able to do so by themselves Russ remains the #1 person to whom you want to go for some advice in any circumstances. Thank you, Russ.

If I forget anyone – please, forgive me. I’m just a human But what I’m saying is that even if you remain unseen – your work is still there and recognized.
This is not the end. This is just a simple reminder of everything you do on the team is worth it! Please, be encouraged by the success and move on to the next step.