• robot 5084
    2024,  Game

    The Team

    When the game is over you start thinking about what just happened. It also maybe a sad feeling of a loss or joy after a victory. But altogether it is the time of adoration for the team that brought real feelings for this moment and these achievements. After I saw the results of that fateful match, I realized that the game was over. For now, but it is over. Everything is for nothing… But then I needed to disconnect from that feeling and think deeper. What did we achieve? Rank 4 out of 40 in a regional game in Midland, MI. We might qualify for next step – the States…

  • 2024,  Game

    Second Game. Week #4. Day 2.

    Day one was very loud and crazy as always at FIRST robotics competitions. But it was well organized and smooth as always at FIRST robotics competitions. 🙂 Our robot did well and we kept scoring good numbers even though we were not in the beginning of the list. The team was showing great consistency during the whole day. The most exciting moment was that our autonomous program is absolute hit. We have 27 points – #1 in that category! Well done, team! Looking forward for today show! Parents and all our friends are proud of you, Team FRIDGEBOT 5084! Keep it cool! And happy Crescendo, everyone!

  • 2024,  Game

    Second Game. Week 4.

    Hi! We are back and ready to play today! Today’s game is taking place in Midland, MI in High School H.H.Dow. Yesterday we played a test match with new shooter and it looks very promising. Looking forward to today’s qualifications and see how the team can play! BTW, the winter ❄️ is back in Michigan and school is closed today. It’s a good thing because parking lot and cafeteria is open for robotics only today! HOORAY!!! Happy Crescendo everybody!

  • 2024,  Game

    FIRST Robotics Game in Kettering University

    Week #1 Testing our robot. Getting ready for the game! Nick is helping another team with their robot. Superintendant of Corunna Schools, Mr. John Fattal visited our pit. Team 5084 Fridgebot won Judge’s Award. This is a group photo of team 5084 Fridgebot and their allies from the Finals: 70 More Martians and 3618 Petoskey Paladins.